Thursday, October 8, 2009


I dye about 90% of the garments I manufacture and sell. Initially it was because it made me stand out from the other guys. Then I told myself it was because I could be efficient and buy lots of blanks and make em whatever I like.
What has been revealed through the process though is that color has energy and properties that are way beyond what's in this season or what matches what.
Blue has a calming quality.Yellow clears .Orange invigorates.
When I dye I live in instinct, either my feelings of love come through or the color influences my mood. It's become a relationship[ I never dye when I'm angry] It's full of joy and wonder. It puts me in a state of awe, I become a vessel. The process of creating colors has healed me, and there's no point in just healing oneself it's meant to be shared. Through sharing ourselves we experience our divinity.
The color that has always made me feel most safe and comfortable is green.
Let the colors speak to you,expand your concept of existence.


  1. Jeffrey's shirts are like mood-rings you can wear on your body!

  2. I love this. I never considered choosing color with intention. When I consider your garments and how the colors are so organic ...they flow, dance together, mix, bleed, fade and scream... there can be such complexity in one piece! You're a freaking WITCH! Have you ever made something custom as a treatment for someone's spiritual malady? Tactile sensation, color therapy, symbolism, intention... like Reiki you can wear.

  3. well sorta [witchy laugh]
    it seems thats where I'm being lead
