Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Back on track

# Moving slowly and steadily,Sewing Dyeing Screening.
I really like working physically.
Focusing on getting ready for the sale

Friday, March 26, 2010


# Just getting ready for the sale........April 10th,11th. Website is pretty much done.
Gotta write something up and contact blogs. New screens coming soon for the stores and web. I take a day off a week lately gotta fill the well. Excited for the Spring ready to make money.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Michael Tsarion - Control of Humanity 1/11

Michael Tsarion - Control of Humanity 1/11: "Coast to Coast AM - Oct 19th 2009.Alternative historian Michael Tsarion discussed humankind's future and the "ancient alien agenda," as carried out by unseen..."

Saturday, March 20, 2010


#Associated with royalty and the occult sciences. It conveys wealth and extravagance. It symbolizes power,nobility,mystery and magic. As the 3rd eye is the seat of attainment of consciousness, it is here that we can manifest matter and dematerialize it. We are able to create new realities at the physical level and disregard old ones. The 3rd eye can be stimulated by the contemplation of the starry deep blue night sky. This experience opens your mind to the boundless expanses of all manifestation in it's immensely varied forms of expression.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


#Blue is associated with depth and stability.It symbolizes trust loyalty wisdom truth and heaven. It slows our metabolism and has a calming effect. The throat chakra is
the center of human capacity for expression,communication and inspiration. Through the 5th chakra we express everything alive within us laughing,crying,feelings of love,happiness, anxiety and aggression. As well as intentions,perceptions,desires and ideas. To open the throat chakra experience a cloudless sky while lying on the ground open your inner being to the boundless expanse of the firmament.The reflection of the sky in clear water, or the experience of the sky at a beach can have a widening and liberating effect. Allowing your heart to receive messages of the Divine.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Moving Forward on Your Life Purpose, Doreen Virtue

Moving Forward on Your Life Purpose, Doreen Virtue: "Gain confidence, courage, and motivation to move forward with your dreams and Divine life purpose, as Doreen Virtue discusses in this inspiring video."


#Ah...Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth,harmony,freshness and fertility. Green has great healing power it is the most restful for our eyes. The heart chakra is the center of the whole system. the purpose of the 4th chakra is to achieve perfect union through love. in it's pure and completely opened state,the 4th chakra forms the center of the true,unconditional love which exists only for it's own sake and which therefore can neither be possessed or lost. The color of forests and meadows provides us with harmony and compassion and makes us receptive to reconciliation. Additionally green has a regenerating effect on the body,mind and soul and gives us renewed energy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


# Yellow is associated with intellect energy and cheerfulness. it generates muscle energy,in heraldry it denotes honor and loyalty. Yellow evokes pleasantness.
The 3rd chakra is where we absorb the solar energy which vitalizes us and maintains our physical bodies. It's most important function is to purify the desires and wishes of the lower chakras. Controlling and using their creative energy. The acceptance and integration of our wishes and experiences help the 3rd chakra to open more fully increasing our inner light and illuminating our situation in life. In order to open this chakra the contemplation of a ripe field of wheat or sunflowers bathed in the light of the sun conveys the experience of manifest abundance,counterpart to the sun's warmth and radiance.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


# Wearing orange as I write..The sacral chakra is associated with orange,creativity and sexuality. Combining the energy of red and the happiness of yellow orange is
associated with joy,enthusiasm,attraction, encouragement and stimulation. It increases oxygen supply to the brain and stimulates mental activity. through the sacral chakra we participate in the fertilizing and receiving of energies which permeate the whole of nature.
Moonlight and the contemplation of direct contact with clear water out of doors stimulates the second chakra.

Friday, March 12, 2010


# Decided to write about colors their vibration feeling and symbolism. The first or root chakra is assigned to the color red. This is where we enter into contact with mother earth. Red warms and revitalizes and awakens the life force,vitality and courage. Contemplation of a blood red sun rising or setting,or sitting on the ground and connecting with the Earth through the first chakra with intent should have an optimal effect. Choose the colors you wear with intuition and intention. Moreover red helps us build up healthy blood cells and is extremely beneficial after overcoming sickness.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


# Taking myself's important for me to take care of myself. So today is my day with me. Developing two new lines so I need a little down time then come back to work....everything in moderation

Monday, March 8, 2010

YouTube - Meet Your Guardian Angels, Doreen Virtue

YouTube - Meet Your Guardian Angels, Doreen Virtue

Back on track

# Life is changing rapidly, writing very morning to get rid of negativity.
Wake and write. busy with website and new processes for dyeing etc. I thank spirit every day for the ideas and the ability to see them through. Hopeful about this coming year. People who go on and on about the bad economy and the rest of the lies they believe don't even register,just walk away. Found a path and I'll stay on the road.