Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Knight of pentacles

Implement the new idea. good day for work. Boring but productive

Monday, March 28, 2011

knight of cups

The arrival of someone or something. The inspiration is already there this is an opportunity to take it further. A messenger has a gift.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

King Of Swords

Energy of the Day. Use your intellect. Stay detached, and all will be revealed

Saturday, March 26, 2011

nine of cups

The wish card. Achievement, satisfaction, wishes fulfilled.
I am not aware of any negatives associated with this card.

Friday, March 25, 2011

knight of wands

This might be another person or it might be part of yourself.
The fiery passion and will to succeed. The energy of Aries.
impassioned, creative, let's get started

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

seven of pentacles

Take a moment and breathe, assess the situation are you going to go forward? O r are you going to do an about face. Sit with it for a moment and decide

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ten of swords

The traditional meaning of this card is ruin. Although it seems a little dramatic. Something or some situation isn't working and it's time to accept that and let go. Acceptance

Saturday, March 19, 2011

eight of cups

Leave the past behind. the beginning of a spiritual journey. have faith,start anew
interesting this should come up before the largest "supermoon" the closest the moon has been to mother Earth in 20 years

Friday, March 18, 2011

six of wands

A success , perhaps a short trip. a milestone has been achieved on the journey. An associate's good fortune has a positive outcome for you

Thursday, March 17, 2011

seven of wands

Feel the fear and do it anyway. If you don't feel fear courage isn't required. Accept it and move through it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I'm an empath. The past few days I've been very affected by the circumstances in Japan.
I haven't been sleeping.
I always have a choice do I get caught up in the fear and hype, or do I hang on to faith.
My practice starting today is whenever I think of Japan I bathe it in light and love.
I send a bubble of protection and either green or pink light from the heart chakra

Nine of Pentacles

This card denotes relaxation and self reliance.
Whatever your station, there is a certain material abundance, enjoy it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

page of Swords

Today it seems there is a young person who speaks attention
Might not be pleasant. Take the information and use it for your benefit

Monday, March 14, 2011

If you've been thinking about the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Japan....
Today is the day to send money, love, prayers etc.
Don't think....ACT
The King of Pentacles is a very practical, hands on earth based energy

King of Pentacles

Well its monday........
second Time our friend has come up within a week.
Take the action, make the sales call. buy the goods,move forward practically,use your body

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The heirophant

I asked specifically about Japan today as its on my mind
My interpretation is sound advice will be sought and given.
Interesting considering Japan's history of self determination.
It's a new world indeed

Friday, March 11, 2011

king of pentacles

first off sending Love and compassion to Japan, in light of the earthquake and tsunami.
Today's card .... A business man, successful . His attributes are whats needed today
Keep the commitment, fix whats broken, sponsor a cause. Use the wealth. Being an Earthly king he's very hands on and practical. This is what is needed today

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eight of pentacles

I took the day off yesterday, I was so stressed I went to the botanical gardens and looked at and bought some orchids.
Its good to step out of the comfort zone and live in the day.
Today's card symbolizes the apprentice. A decision has been made and its time to get to work on the new project. Success and luck dont always come from outside, sometimes we have to work hard to learn a new skill. Today is just that day

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Sun

I've already pulled this card before and its perhaps the most benefic card in the deck. It suggests optimism, vitality, and enthusiasm. Nice break from yesterday!

Monday, March 7, 2011

5 of Pentacles

Worries about Money.
I drew this card this morning I didn't like it so I drew another.
The cards do what the cards do. Wishful thinking is lovely but it isn't reality.
got some disappointing news concerning finances.
the good news is its the middle of the story{5} The traditional card has two people out in the snow[they are together] behind them is the light of the church are they coming or going?
worries about money are exactly that, not the end of the story besides there's always hope and the promise of help.
for myself if I base my sense of self in money I'll always fall short
The spiritual and emotional wealth is always abundant. I have to decide whether to go into the warmth or out into the cold.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

page of Swords

Pages are messengers{Many times gay men]
This could mean an actual person {below 30]Or a new idea.
But Be weary although the idea or thought might be fresh the page doesn't have the experience to back it up. A choice is involved

Friday, March 4, 2011

Eight of cups

Go where your heart leads you. It time to embark on a spiritual journey. Leave the past behind. In front of you is a new experience.
Very apt as tonight is the new moon

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The World

The circle is completed. The work is done.Take a breath and move forward

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nine of Wands

This person is a bit battle weary. Have strength to stand up for what you believe in,the lessons along the way have made you strong. It's almost done.