Today is Halloween.I'm more excited than I have been in years. It's time to play
time to invoke spirit.we get to be vessels today.It's important to choose wisely.
I choose LOVE and playfulness.Have FUN.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
I feel good about today and the future.I have love in my heart and I want to spread it.
Aside from helping my brothers the best way I know how to do that is by creating.For some reason I generally feel more at ease and liberated in the Fall.Childlike in my joy.Feel like playing.Never to late to be reborn.
Aside from helping my brothers the best way I know how to do that is by creating.For some reason I generally feel more at ease and liberated in the Fall.Childlike in my joy.Feel like playing.Never to late to be reborn.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
In the past few weeks/months I've had to look at myself very honestly.It hasn't been easy or pleasant.I realized that I still have attitudes and behaviors that stand in my way.They keep me from being authentic and put a wall between me and others as well as a wall between me and spirit and me and my higher self.
Yesterday I did a lot of spiritual work with a healer/friend of mine,I released what no longer works and replaced it with LOVE.
These are the attitudes and behaviors that don't serve me or anyone around me any longer
possessiveness,victimization,neediness,resentment,feeling unworthy,expectations of others,entitlement,terminal uniqueness,anger,codependency,self worth based on others,control,scarcity.martyrdom
I was and am willing to face these fear based behaviors and attitudes and transform with Gods help.I just got sick and tired of doing the same things and getting the same results.I no longer wish to live in fear or isolation.
Please spirit help me to live in the light you would have me be.Once and for all stop playing God.
Yesterday I did a lot of spiritual work with a healer/friend of mine,I released what no longer works and replaced it with LOVE.
These are the attitudes and behaviors that don't serve me or anyone around me any longer
possessiveness,victimization,neediness,resentment,feeling unworthy,expectations of others,entitlement,terminal uniqueness,anger,codependency,self worth based on others,control,scarcity.martyrdom
I was and am willing to face these fear based behaviors and attitudes and transform with Gods help.I just got sick and tired of doing the same things and getting the same results.I no longer wish to live in fear or isolation.
Please spirit help me to live in the light you would have me be.Once and for all stop playing God.
higher self,
old beliefs,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
putting it together
I started making these scarves,I have tons of oddball pieces of menswear fabric around so I'm sewing them together in strips and making them functional and beautiful.Yesterday I realized it was a metaphor for what I'm going through at the moment and many moments beforehand.How can I take varied experiences and make them into a whole? What's worth salvaging? What should be thrown away? What piece sings when it's sewn together with another?How can I put myself together and present it as a gift to the world?
For a long time my life had been fragmented,compartmentalized{everything would be perfect if I had money]Perhaps everything is the way it's supposed to be and always has been .When I truly offer myself to the universe to spirit to my brothers can I offer all of myself?Or do I pick and choose the best or what I think are the best pieces and present them as swatches?
So putting together these scarves I'm humbly offering all of myself to my brothers to God and to myself .Here's who I am please wear it well.
For a long time my life had been fragmented,compartmentalized{everything would be perfect if I had money]Perhaps everything is the way it's supposed to be and always has been .When I truly offer myself to the universe to spirit to my brothers can I offer all of myself?Or do I pick and choose the best or what I think are the best pieces and present them as swatches?
So putting together these scarves I'm humbly offering all of myself to my brothers to God and to myself .Here's who I am please wear it well.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Part of the process
My back was beginning to give out yesterday,my instinct said lay down and I did.Not exactly easy for me.I let people know where I was at concerning the back and the emotional breakthrough I've been experiencing,and boy did the support come through.
I rarely feel alone these days.Not that I've ever been alone,But for many many years I felt that I was.In my old way of thinking I would go off the road and cry or make a spectacle of myself and insist I be carried.In this instance I allowed myself to slow down,didn't get in my own way and said to those around me can I lean on you for a little bit as we continue to travel? Being part of the group leading sometimes,following sometimes that's what works.Being seen and seeing,being heard and hearing.Self centeredness and terminally uniqueness is much more work than being a member of the chorus.Initially those attitudes were beaten out of me by spirit.It's not that they have disappeared I just did something else,it expanded my consciousness.
Is my back 100% better? No.Will I break down in tears today? Perhaps.Am I less delusional? I think so.
I rarely feel alone these days.Not that I've ever been alone,But for many many years I felt that I was.In my old way of thinking I would go off the road and cry or make a spectacle of myself and insist I be carried.In this instance I allowed myself to slow down,didn't get in my own way and said to those around me can I lean on you for a little bit as we continue to travel? Being part of the group leading sometimes,following sometimes that's what works.Being seen and seeing,being heard and hearing.Self centeredness and terminally uniqueness is much more work than being a member of the chorus.Initially those attitudes were beaten out of me by spirit.It's not that they have disappeared I just did something else,it expanded my consciousness.
Is my back 100% better? No.Will I break down in tears today? Perhaps.Am I less delusional? I think so.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Both my heart and mind are very active in awakening new experiences these days.
Where are my feet?That's got to be my big concern these days something huge is happening ,I've been experiencing lots of gratitude and grief,as if shattered parts of myself are waiting to be reintegrated.I have smart feet,thank God,I have people I can talk to who understand.I pray a lot.My appetite is gone.I don't need to know where I'm going I just need to know where I am.The rest is up to spirit.Just doing the next right thing in front of me.
Where are my feet?That's got to be my big concern these days something huge is happening ,I've been experiencing lots of gratitude and grief,as if shattered parts of myself are waiting to be reintegrated.I have smart feet,thank God,I have people I can talk to who understand.I pray a lot.My appetite is gone.I don't need to know where I'm going I just need to know where I am.The rest is up to spirit.Just doing the next right thing in front of me.
being in the now,
gratitude and grief,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Had a overwhelming day yesterday.This might sound odd but it seems my heart chakra is opening on new levels very quickly.I have been feeling sad,lonely,joyous,grateful simultaneously,can't control tears.I had to ask the angels to slow it down and for a restful sleep.I've been actively working[meditating] and intending on giving and receiving love.This is new territory for me it always felt safer to do one or the other.That generally led me to neediness or martyrdom.Neither of which work any longer.It didn't allow me to be whole or to interact with my brothers from a place of authenticity.It kept me isolated in a true sense,it seemed safe.Spirit wants me to go on an adventure,whatever shall I wear.Grateful for the pain and uncertainty.Enthusiastic,scared and curious as to who and what I'm transforming into.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I have been exposed to the notion of meditation for a long time.Initially
all spirituality seemed very foreign,strange and something I didn't want anything to do with.
After all what did diety know that I didn't already know[arrogance].it wasn't so much that i didn't believe in God as God didn't believe in me[false pride].I wish I knew when that changed it was a long slow painful process[humility].
I got involved in a group meditation/healing about15 years ago,and I had quite a few mystical experiences.It took a long time to realize life is a mystical experience.
I started meditating regularly about 7 years ago almost as a dare.I generally get off my ass when things have completely fallen apart.[not so much anymore,we change].
Practically dared spirit to come in.Careful what you ask for.
My experience is practicing observing ones thoughts for a given amount of time becomes habitual.I've been able slowly to bring the observer into many aspects of the world I call Jeffrey's life.I'm comforted knowing that nothing is permanent aside from the deep silence that resides in all of us.These days I meditate daily it aligns me with myself with God with the Earth and with my brothers. It's changed the way I feel about the above mentioned and boy did I need to change.
all spirituality seemed very foreign,strange and something I didn't want anything to do with.
After all what did diety know that I didn't already know[arrogance].it wasn't so much that i didn't believe in God as God didn't believe in me[false pride].I wish I knew when that changed it was a long slow painful process[humility].
I got involved in a group meditation/healing about15 years ago,and I had quite a few mystical experiences.It took a long time to realize life is a mystical experience.
I started meditating regularly about 7 years ago almost as a dare.I generally get off my ass when things have completely fallen apart.[not so much anymore,we change].
Practically dared spirit to come in.Careful what you ask for.
My experience is practicing observing ones thoughts for a given amount of time becomes habitual.I've been able slowly to bring the observer into many aspects of the world I call Jeffrey's life.I'm comforted knowing that nothing is permanent aside from the deep silence that resides in all of us.These days I meditate daily it aligns me with myself with God with the Earth and with my brothers. It's changed the way I feel about the above mentioned and boy did I need to change.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Had a hard time sleeping.Sometimes it's hard to shut my brain off.
I can't afford to live in a vacuum. I check my motives with other people
when I'm living in the truth.If I want to be the big "I Know" I'm in trouble.
It isolates me and I don't want to live in isolation.Sometimes it's painful
interacting or feeling,but it passes.Thinking I have all the answers or always see everything clearly is obviously insane.
I'm with you and you are with me,let's be honest and kind.
I can't afford to live in a vacuum. I check my motives with other people
when I'm living in the truth.If I want to be the big "I Know" I'm in trouble.
It isolates me and I don't want to live in isolation.Sometimes it's painful
interacting or feeling,but it passes.Thinking I have all the answers or always see everything clearly is obviously insane.
I'm with you and you are with me,let's be honest and kind.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Comparing myself to myself
Only awoke a while ago and I've already had a day.
Meditated early to get out of my thoughts.Checked in with my
spiritual mentor[see being open]Had a cry.Now it's time to get productive.
Planning hats and shirts,just filling in for NY.
In the past I've looked around and compared my insides to others masks.That doesn't work.
We all put on our best faces for each other or so we think.When i realize that I'm doing good things for myself and I know the hell I've lived in and gone through and relived {through my own hand}.One day or a series of days you just get tired of doing the same old shit.So you bite the bullet actually feel the feelings you've been avoiding.Then I slowly changed the behavior.Not the thoughts first the behavior first{that changed my thinking}RADICAL!
So these days I compare myself to myself and realize that I'm living a miracle.
There are still challenges but I'm up to em.
Meditated early to get out of my thoughts.Checked in with my
spiritual mentor[see being open]Had a cry.Now it's time to get productive.
Planning hats and shirts,just filling in for NY.
In the past I've looked around and compared my insides to others masks.That doesn't work.
We all put on our best faces for each other or so we think.When i realize that I'm doing good things for myself and I know the hell I've lived in and gone through and relived {through my own hand}.One day or a series of days you just get tired of doing the same old shit.So you bite the bullet actually feel the feelings you've been avoiding.Then I slowly changed the behavior.Not the thoughts first the behavior first{that changed my thinking}RADICAL!
So these days I compare myself to myself and realize that I'm living a miracle.
There are still challenges but I'm up to em.
changing behavior,
feeling my feelings,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Being Open
I usually don't write twice in one day.I believe we meet the people we meet and have the experiences with them that we have as spiritual lessons.Whether I like em or not doesn't have to much to do with it.We are all reflections of one another.If a particularly angry person or arrogant person really annoys me there's a lesson.
If I come upon someone sweet and loving there's a lesson there too.
Let's call it an opportunity for growth.
That being said I went somewhere tonight that was recommended to me.I didn't want to go but I made a promise.I saw people I hadn't seen in a long time and it was lovely.
I put my needs out quite publicly.
I'm looking for a mentor. One who has traveled the road longer than I have who has experience to share.
Tonight for the fourth time this month the answer was no.
Am I disappointed? Yes.Am i willing to continue this search? Yes.
"when the student is ready the teacher will appear"
Everything happens in God's time and God is always on time
My job in spite of being disappointed is to remain open
If I come upon someone sweet and loving there's a lesson there too.
Let's call it an opportunity for growth.
That being said I went somewhere tonight that was recommended to me.I didn't want to go but I made a promise.I saw people I hadn't seen in a long time and it was lovely.
I put my needs out quite publicly.
I'm looking for a mentor. One who has traveled the road longer than I have who has experience to share.
Tonight for the fourth time this month the answer was no.
Am I disappointed? Yes.Am i willing to continue this search? Yes.
"when the student is ready the teacher will appear"
Everything happens in God's time and God is always on time
My job in spite of being disappointed is to remain open
spiritual experience
divine love
Went to a group meditation last night.
Was very profound for me.I've been on this journey for a long time.
for many years I've been able to love others in a sense the way divine mother loves her off spring.Last night I was able to let divine mother's love in and it was beautiful.I felt loved and cherished,I suspect being a loving being and giving so much of myself had plenty to do with it.
So the message for the day is...don't stop till the miracle happens.
Was very profound for me.I've been on this journey for a long time.
for many years I've been able to love others in a sense the way divine mother loves her off spring.Last night I was able to let divine mother's love in and it was beautiful.I felt loved and cherished,I suspect being a loving being and giving so much of myself had plenty to do with it.
So the message for the day is...don't stop till the miracle happens.
giving selflessly,
off spring
Monday, October 19, 2009
Jump Start
It's easy to get overwhelmed.There's so much I have to do.All the thoughts and "shoulds" come rushing at me.In the past I have found it helpful to make lists with easy things attached to em.If i have a list of say ten things 5 of em are take a shower,make the bed la la la,Makes the harder things easier once I'm in motion I'm in motion.I also find it easier to do one thing start to finish as opposed to doing 2 or 3 things at once.My tendency is doing a lot at once.I make new habits by changing the way I do things.It helps me grow.I need to grow.I want to grow.If it means doing things that are uncomfortable,so be it.
I also need to go on record...I write this for myself first.One of my tendencies is to put others needs before my own.It's not a bad thing it has served me and my brothers very well.I just tend to overdo it.The prayer for today...
Please help me find balance between my needs and others needs.
I also need to go on record...I write this for myself first.One of my tendencies is to put others needs before my own.It's not a bad thing it has served me and my brothers very well.I just tend to overdo it.The prayer for today...
Please help me find balance between my needs and others needs.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Invite the goddess

Today is the day...
Invite the goddess. Allow her nurturing influence into your being.
Invite fertility and fruitfulness,creativity and sensuality.
Invite divine mother in to care for support the creative efforts with
love.We are reborn every day.What can I create today as an offering?
Can I love my fellows as a mother loves her children?
When i offer selflessly today can I invoke mother's goodness?
Friday, October 16, 2009
When I was down in DC there was this used book shop that
kept calling me,on my way out of town I stopped in and I got the book that was calling my name."The science of becoming oneself" by H.Saraydarian.
His first recommendation in getting in touch with our true nature is to be of selfless service.Sometimes I have a hurdle that seems insurmountable.If I don't reach for something higher how will I ever reach my goal? Gonna give it a shot if I fall I'll get up again.
"The Sons of men are one,And I am one with them.I seek to love not hate;I seek to serve and not exact due service;I seek to heal,not hurt."
Then think whom you can help today.First consider physical plane help,helping someone financially.Try to meet a real need physically.Without expectation of return.
Cut the grass
work for free
It goes on to say...For a whole month.try to do good work everyday for someone.And if you do this,you will see that miraculous energies start to be released from your inner fountain.
Couldn't hurt
kept calling me,on my way out of town I stopped in and I got the book that was calling my name."The science of becoming oneself" by H.Saraydarian.
His first recommendation in getting in touch with our true nature is to be of selfless service.Sometimes I have a hurdle that seems insurmountable.If I don't reach for something higher how will I ever reach my goal? Gonna give it a shot if I fall I'll get up again.
"The Sons of men are one,And I am one with them.I seek to love not hate;I seek to serve and not exact due service;I seek to heal,not hurt."
Then think whom you can help today.First consider physical plane help,helping someone financially.Try to meet a real need physically.Without expectation of return.
Cut the grass
work for free
It goes on to say...For a whole month.try to do good work everyday for someone.And if you do this,you will see that miraculous energies start to be released from your inner fountain.
Couldn't hurt
spiritual experience
Thursday, October 15, 2009
paying attention
Where is my attention?
Am I trying to control something out of my control?
Am I busy with someone else's business?
Am I listening to my inner voice or do I let my thoughts rule me?
Am i so busy that I don't take time to honor myself?
Is the higher power trying to tell me something?
The challenge for me is to slow down and breathe be in the moment and do the next right thing.
Hopefully writing this today will help [I definitely need help]
I've heard it said...
A miracle is a shift in perception.
Am I trying to control something out of my control?
Am I busy with someone else's business?
Am I listening to my inner voice or do I let my thoughts rule me?
Am i so busy that I don't take time to honor myself?
Is the higher power trying to tell me something?
The challenge for me is to slow down and breathe be in the moment and do the next right thing.
Hopefully writing this today will help [I definitely need help]
I've heard it said...
A miracle is a shift in perception.
inner voice,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The mirror
Many years ago the spiritual buzz as I heard it
was to look into the mirror and tell yourself "I love you"
I would roll my eyes and cross my arms.
When I was in enough pain and my own way[ego] was no longer working
I did finally look in the mirror.
The pain and shame were so overwhelming I could look but an instant.
As I've continued on this journey i discovered the way through the pain and through the shame is to go through it not around or under or above but through.
I accessed strength and courage and wisdom and patience,this is not a journey that I took by myself.I asked for a lot of help because I couldn't do it alone {I still can't]
nor do I want to today.I had to become part of something part of community and find the people who were able to love me in spite of my being unable or unwilling to love myself. They appeared as reflections of myself and I appeared as reflection to them.
We meet the people we meet and have the experiences we have as glimpses of ourselves and each other.
Being able to look someone in the eye and say from the heart "I love you" is a profound experience.being able to say it to myself enables me to give the gift of myself to others and to receive the gift back.
So in case no one has told you today...
I'm looking into the rflection of your eyes and seeing you and seeing me and guess what
was to look into the mirror and tell yourself "I love you"
I would roll my eyes and cross my arms.
When I was in enough pain and my own way[ego] was no longer working
I did finally look in the mirror.
The pain and shame were so overwhelming I could look but an instant.
As I've continued on this journey i discovered the way through the pain and through the shame is to go through it not around or under or above but through.
I accessed strength and courage and wisdom and patience,this is not a journey that I took by myself.I asked for a lot of help because I couldn't do it alone {I still can't]
nor do I want to today.I had to become part of something part of community and find the people who were able to love me in spite of my being unable or unwilling to love myself. They appeared as reflections of myself and I appeared as reflection to them.
We meet the people we meet and have the experiences we have as glimpses of ourselves and each other.
Being able to look someone in the eye and say from the heart "I love you" is a profound experience.being able to say it to myself enables me to give the gift of myself to others and to receive the gift back.
So in case no one has told you today...
I'm looking into the rflection of your eyes and seeing you and seeing me and guess what
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
walking together
A bit overwhelmed by the DC trip.
Sometimes we lead sometimes we follow.
It's good to know what road you are walking and who is walking with you.
I can get caught up in follow me or I'll follow you.
If I continue to be fortunate I can stop thinking I'm always the star and just walk alongside my fellows.
Sometimes we lead sometimes we follow.
It's good to know what road you are walking and who is walking with you.
I can get caught up in follow me or I'll follow you.
If I continue to be fortunate I can stop thinking I'm always the star and just walk alongside my fellows.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Light is information
What is the point of the journey?
I believe the point is to become more authentically who we actually are.
Spiritual beings having a human experience.
How do I interact with my fellows?
I invite them in,and give them a cup of coffee or a hug[etc]
My mother taught [and I knew instinctively it was very important]
Never ask a guest what they want or offer something putting them on the spot.
Just give.
What does one get from giving?
Sharing my self and sharing my stuff whether it be material or emotional
makes me part of something bigger.It banishes the lie that I'm more important
more spiritual,somehow different than my fellow.
It honors their spirit.It undoes isolation.For both or all involved.We are part of the same energy.You are my brother.It's not about me and God it's about me and you.
How do I interact with myself?
Can I accept that I'm part of this energy? Can I accept the gift of coffee or a hug from my brothers? Or am I busy thinking I'm different? Am I worthy?
How many lies and how much isolation do I need to experience to fully actualize as an authentic spiritual being?[plenty it seems]
My personal challenge has been the ability to give but the inability to receive.
Perhaps the biggest misconception of my life[thusfar]
If I hold so much love for my fellows,why am I denying them the opportunity to be more authentic? Why am uninviting them from the party?
Can I be one among many? Or is my need to be different so great that I'm damaging my spirit and in turn my brother's spirit?
If spirit holds so much love for me and I've been invited to the party,why not just go to the party?
If I hold more love for myself
and allow my brother to hug me
aren't I being more authentic?
A spiritual being having a human experience.
Fear is a lie
Isolation is a lie
Unworthiness is a lie
p.s. Meditation allows my spirit to observe
and discover my blocks to being who I actually am
I believe the point is to become more authentically who we actually are.
Spiritual beings having a human experience.
How do I interact with my fellows?
I invite them in,and give them a cup of coffee or a hug[etc]
My mother taught [and I knew instinctively it was very important]
Never ask a guest what they want or offer something putting them on the spot.
Just give.
What does one get from giving?
Sharing my self and sharing my stuff whether it be material or emotional
makes me part of something bigger.It banishes the lie that I'm more important
more spiritual,somehow different than my fellow.
It honors their spirit.It undoes isolation.For both or all involved.We are part of the same energy.You are my brother.It's not about me and God it's about me and you.
How do I interact with myself?
Can I accept that I'm part of this energy? Can I accept the gift of coffee or a hug from my brothers? Or am I busy thinking I'm different? Am I worthy?
How many lies and how much isolation do I need to experience to fully actualize as an authentic spiritual being?[plenty it seems]
My personal challenge has been the ability to give but the inability to receive.
Perhaps the biggest misconception of my life[thusfar]
If I hold so much love for my fellows,why am I denying them the opportunity to be more authentic? Why am uninviting them from the party?
Can I be one among many? Or is my need to be different so great that I'm damaging my spirit and in turn my brother's spirit?
If spirit holds so much love for me and I've been invited to the party,why not just go to the party?
If I hold more love for myself
and allow my brother to hug me
aren't I being more authentic?
A spiritual being having a human experience.
Fear is a lie
Isolation is a lie
Unworthiness is a lie
p.s. Meditation allows my spirit to observe
and discover my blocks to being who I actually am
Friday, October 9, 2009
Love is a frequency
I just got back from the greyhound terminal at Port Authority.
I purchased a ticket to go down to the march in D.C.
Can I afford it? No.Is it inconvenient? Yes.Do I enjoy bus travel?
Who does.
When the Goddess offers you an opportunity to love your fellows
to be of service to stand up for LOVE,you take it IMMEDIATELY loving is being loved.
It's not about thought it's about action.Gratitude is an action.
So in spite of the fact I'm working till 11p.m. and in spite of the fact I have samples to make and in spite of the fact I'm not in great financial condition at the moment I'm going.
With enthusiasm,gratitude and open heartedness in tow.
I purchased a ticket to go down to the march in D.C.
Can I afford it? No.Is it inconvenient? Yes.Do I enjoy bus travel?
Who does.
When the Goddess offers you an opportunity to love your fellows
to be of service to stand up for LOVE,you take it IMMEDIATELY loving is being loved.
It's not about thought it's about action.Gratitude is an action.
So in spite of the fact I'm working till 11p.m. and in spite of the fact I have samples to make and in spite of the fact I'm not in great financial condition at the moment I'm going.
With enthusiasm,gratitude and open heartedness in tow.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I dye about 90% of the garments I manufacture and sell. Initially it was because it made me stand out from the other guys. Then I told myself it was because I could be efficient and buy lots of blanks and make em whatever I like.
What has been revealed through the process though is that color has energy and properties that are way beyond what's in this season or what matches what.
Blue has a calming quality.Yellow clears .Orange invigorates.
When I dye I live in instinct, either my feelings of love come through or the color influences my mood. It's become a relationship[ I never dye when I'm angry] It's full of joy and wonder. It puts me in a state of awe, I become a vessel. The process of creating colors has healed me, and there's no point in just healing oneself it's meant to be shared. Through sharing ourselves we experience our divinity.
The color that has always made me feel most safe and comfortable is green.
Let the colors speak to you,expand your concept of existence.
What has been revealed through the process though is that color has energy and properties that are way beyond what's in this season or what matches what.
Blue has a calming quality.Yellow clears .Orange invigorates.
When I dye I live in instinct, either my feelings of love come through or the color influences my mood. It's become a relationship[ I never dye when I'm angry] It's full of joy and wonder. It puts me in a state of awe, I become a vessel. The process of creating colors has healed me, and there's no point in just healing oneself it's meant to be shared. Through sharing ourselves we experience our divinity.
The color that has always made me feel most safe and comfortable is green.
Let the colors speak to you,expand your concept of existence.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I guess I'll start with how i got started...I'm a native NewYorker,so I've got lots of opinions and they are always right.Right?
My mother had a small dress/sportswear shop,if not for her we would have starved.
I would go with her to the garment center when I was a little queen[now I'm a big one]
and buy clothes,I had a knack for it and I paid close attention.This was the early to mid seventies.
when I was 10 years old.
Fast forward 2001 I finally get a AAS from FIT in Menswear.[at 37]
Then 9/11 happens and part of me dies with our fellow citizens.
I finally get out of my slump a year or two later but no one wants to hire a 37 year old queen with passion . Honestly the thought of sitting in front of a computer and doing some else's idea makes me want to tear someone else's hair out.[homicide is more interesting than suicide]
Walking through Times Square one day I see I Love New York Tshirts $10 for 7 shirts.
How depressing.Isn't anything sacred?
I bought em and tye dyed em and added stencils and made em crafty and fun.
Went out a month later and sold em to a store in Chelsea[Starting Line]19th st and 8th.
They ended up selling about 80 of em,and Label New York was born.Come by and visit at
My mother had a small dress/sportswear shop,if not for her we would have starved.
I would go with her to the garment center when I was a little queen[now I'm a big one]
and buy clothes,I had a knack for it and I paid close attention.This was the early to mid seventies.
when I was 10 years old.
Fast forward 2001 I finally get a AAS from FIT in Menswear.[at 37]
Then 9/11 happens and part of me dies with our fellow citizens.
I finally get out of my slump a year or two later but no one wants to hire a 37 year old queen with passion . Honestly the thought of sitting in front of a computer and doing some else's idea makes me want to tear someone else's hair out.[homicide is more interesting than suicide]
Walking through Times Square one day I see I Love New York Tshirts $10 for 7 shirts.
How depressing.Isn't anything sacred?
I bought em and tye dyed em and added stencils and made em crafty and fun.
Went out a month later and sold em to a store in Chelsea[Starting Line]19th st and 8th.
They ended up selling about 80 of em,and Label New York was born.Come by and visit at
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