Monday, December 20, 2010
Eclipses of Dec 21, 2010 and January 4, 2011 - Janet's Planets
Eclipses of Dec 21, 2010 and January 4, 2011 - Janet's Planets: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Seven

* Why is it that all esoteric literature worldwide is so focused on 7?
7 chakras 7 seas, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 colors, 7 rays, 7 notes.
Seems to me our universe is all interrelated by some divine intelligence. Who has the answers to the big questions? We all do it's part of our human mystical heritage. We are all one we express ourselves in different energies that are all interrelated in a divine plan.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Holiday Alternative
Dear Friends,
As an alternative to having a sample sale this coming month, I invite you to come by and have a unique relaxed shopping experience. Stop over any day or evening this coming month and browse through the assortment of one of a kind handmade items. They make great inexpensive gifts. It would be nice to have a coffee and catch up.
Send an email or give me a call and we can make it happen. Looking forward to hearing from you.
As an alternative to having a sample sale this coming month, I invite you to come by and have a unique relaxed shopping experience. Stop over any day or evening this coming month and browse through the assortment of one of a kind handmade items. They make great inexpensive gifts. It would be nice to have a coffee and catch up.
Send an email or give me a call and we can make it happen. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Monday, November 29, 2010

# Thought it was a good idea to start writing about the images I use. Being that the palm was my first screen it seemed appropriate. As I mentioned somewhere else I had started basically recycling I love NY t shirts dyeing them and then adding stencils etc. When that ran out of gas I had to move forward,I'm a bit of a palmist so that's where I began.
What many people don't realize is it's not just the lines on the inside of the palm that tell a story. The shape of the hand the relationship of the fingers to the palm, the knots on the fingers all have information.
The more square the palm the more practical the individual. Long fingered people [in relation to the palm] are very detailed, whereas people with shorter digits have big ideas. I could write forever about it. One of the best books I have found is Cheiro's "Language of the hand". Palmistry although an occult art is really very scientific. Happy reading
signs and symbols
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Working with others

* okay so I'm going to try and blog once a week or more. This week has been challenging financially. I have a long list of to do. I think considering the nature of the shirts I make I'm going to target... gift shops, craft fairs, the web instead of "regular" stores where I hang with every other commercial image and mass manufactured shirt.
I read on the web that this being a full moon Taurus it was about inviting others in to work with you. That being said a lot of help has been coming. My talented and patient asst Anthony Elder is recreating my website. Thank goodness it doesn't say anything now. his site is Matt and Enrique from have been scratching my back with info and support which I appreciate tremendously. Also the amazing sound healer is taking me to lunch and we are going to discuss business ideas.
I'm grateful and thankful for all the help and support and yes I'm still chanting to lakshmi.
Enjoy the moon.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
moving forward
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Young designers market
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sample Sale
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010

# Who am I? Just got this astrological report about Saturn moving into Libra.
Three reports actually one for Virgo one for Libra one for Scorpio. It's a little confusing.
I'm unafraid of discipline, intensity or darkness. I'm willing to move through it and be reborn. I'm a Scorpio at heart. If I think to much it doesn't work my intuition does. so that's who will take the lead.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Mid Summer
Saturday, July 24, 2010

# I haven't actually blogged in a long time. It had become part of my discipline
But I've developed a new one. Writing in the morning first thing to exorcise negativity.
So I'm back. Why do I design tshirts? designer tshirts? Because I get to dye em.
Because I get to spread magic. graphic tshirts are immediate, I only use symbols and sigils and glyphs because we all think outside of language.The magic symbols I use are loaded with energy and hope.The world needs em now. It's my part in ascension for the planet.
Now you know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.Besides it's fun.Today's image is the endless knot a holy buddhist symbol of wisdom and compassion
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Letting go
So I've tried sending samples.putting stuff on sale, women's ,web stuff
I don't know what else to do or which way to turn So I'm letting go giving it to another power, I've done my part.
There's not much choice
I want to scream cry run naked set it on fire whatever but I'm done forcing my will
so here it is God have fun
I don't know what else to do or which way to turn So I'm letting go giving it to another power, I've done my part.
There's not much choice
I want to scream cry run naked set it on fire whatever but I'm done forcing my will
so here it is God have fun
Friday, July 2, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Back on track
Friday, March 26, 2010
# Just getting ready for the sale........April 10th,11th. Website is pretty much done.
Gotta write something up and contact blogs. New screens coming soon for the stores and web. I take a day off a week lately gotta fill the well. Excited for the Spring ready to make money.
Gotta write something up and contact blogs. New screens coming soon for the stores and web. I take a day off a week lately gotta fill the well. Excited for the Spring ready to make money.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Michael Tsarion - Control of Humanity 1/11
Michael Tsarion - Control of Humanity 1/11: "Coast to Coast AM - Oct 19th 2009.Alternative historian Michael Tsarion discussed humankind's future and the "ancient alien agenda," as carried out by unseen..."
Saturday, March 20, 2010

#Associated with royalty and the occult sciences. It conveys wealth and extravagance. It symbolizes power,nobility,mystery and magic. As the 3rd eye is the seat of attainment of consciousness, it is here that we can manifest matter and dematerialize it. We are able to create new realities at the physical level and disregard old ones. The 3rd eye can be stimulated by the contemplation of the starry deep blue night sky. This experience opens your mind to the boundless expanses of all manifestation in it's immensely varied forms of expression.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

#Blue is associated with depth and stability.It symbolizes trust loyalty wisdom truth and heaven. It slows our metabolism and has a calming effect. The throat chakra is
the center of human capacity for expression,communication and inspiration. Through the 5th chakra we express everything alive within us laughing,crying,feelings of love,happiness, anxiety and aggression. As well as intentions,perceptions,desires and ideas. To open the throat chakra experience a cloudless sky while lying on the ground open your inner being to the boundless expanse of the firmament.The reflection of the sky in clear water, or the experience of the sky at a beach can have a widening and liberating effect. Allowing your heart to receive messages of the Divine.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Moving Forward on Your Life Purpose, Doreen Virtue
Moving Forward on Your Life Purpose, Doreen Virtue: "Gain confidence, courage, and motivation to move forward with your dreams and Divine life purpose, as Doreen Virtue discusses in this inspiring video."

#Ah...Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth,harmony,freshness and fertility. Green has great healing power it is the most restful for our eyes. The heart chakra is the center of the whole system. the purpose of the 4th chakra is to achieve perfect union through love. in it's pure and completely opened state,the 4th chakra forms the center of the true,unconditional love which exists only for it's own sake and which therefore can neither be possessed or lost. The color of forests and meadows provides us with harmony and compassion and makes us receptive to reconciliation. Additionally green has a regenerating effect on the body,mind and soul and gives us renewed energy.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

# Yellow is associated with intellect energy and cheerfulness. it generates muscle energy,in heraldry it denotes honor and loyalty. Yellow evokes pleasantness.
The 3rd chakra is where we absorb the solar energy which vitalizes us and maintains our physical bodies. It's most important function is to purify the desires and wishes of the lower chakras. Controlling and using their creative energy. The acceptance and integration of our wishes and experiences help the 3rd chakra to open more fully increasing our inner light and illuminating our situation in life. In order to open this chakra the contemplation of a ripe field of wheat or sunflowers bathed in the light of the sun conveys the experience of manifest abundance,counterpart to the sun's warmth and radiance.
Saturday, March 13, 2010

# Wearing orange as I write..The sacral chakra is associated with orange,creativity and sexuality. Combining the energy of red and the happiness of yellow orange is
associated with joy,enthusiasm,attraction, encouragement and stimulation. It increases oxygen supply to the brain and stimulates mental activity. through the sacral chakra we participate in the fertilizing and receiving of energies which permeate the whole of nature.
Moonlight and the contemplation of direct contact with clear water out of doors stimulates the second chakra.
Friday, March 12, 2010
# Decided to write about colors their vibration feeling and symbolism. The first or root chakra is assigned to the color red. This is where we enter into contact with mother earth. Red warms and revitalizes and awakens the life force,vitality and courage. Contemplation of a blood red sun rising or setting,or sitting on the ground and connecting with the Earth through the first chakra with intent should have an optimal effect. Choose the colors you wear with intuition and intention. Moreover red helps us build up healthy blood cells and is extremely beneficial after overcoming sickness.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
# Taking myself's important for me to take care of myself. So today is my day with me. Developing two new lines so I need a little down time then come back to work....everything in moderation
Monday, March 8, 2010
Back on track
# Life is changing rapidly, writing very morning to get rid of negativity.
Wake and write. busy with website and new processes for dyeing etc. I thank spirit every day for the ideas and the ability to see them through. Hopeful about this coming year. People who go on and on about the bad economy and the rest of the lies they believe don't even register,just walk away. Found a path and I'll stay on the road.
Wake and write. busy with website and new processes for dyeing etc. I thank spirit every day for the ideas and the ability to see them through. Hopeful about this coming year. People who go on and on about the bad economy and the rest of the lies they believe don't even register,just walk away. Found a path and I'll stay on the road.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Busy and relaxed
# Have so many things on my plate,I've been doing them all. Amazed at how much I can do in one day,I'm busy with the web with my social life with creating with spirit.
I'm able to handle them all when I remain centered and relaxed.
I'm able to handle them all when I remain centered and relaxed.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
# Up early for a change, hoping I can be very productive today. Taking myself on a date,don't know where yet. But I'm looking forward to it. Might even get dressed up. It's certainly become easier to take care of myself than it used to be. my thoughts about myself have become more loving it changed through action not through thought or feeling. If I had listened to my head I'd still be in a bad place.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
# I have begun starting days with writing,both here and morning pages .Ritual works well for me. It centers me. the way i begin my day spreads out into the rest of the day. If I don't meditate or should I say "medicate" early in the day I spend the day angry and unfocused. That doesn't serve me or anyone else. i have responsibility to myself and those around me to be the most focused and kind person I can be. I try to start by going within.
Friday, February 19, 2010
morning pages
# Started the Artist's way. Have done it before.This time with a group wrote my morning pages,let's see what comes up.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
# It's good to have goals and a purpose. Helps me to move forward. The
ultimate goal is to heal and help others heal in that order. Lately I've
had to concentrate on myself first. If I'm not for myself who am I for?
And if not now when?
ultimate goal is to heal and help others heal in that order. Lately I've
had to concentrate on myself first. If I'm not for myself who am I for?
And if not now when?
Monday, February 15, 2010
# Been juggling a lot lately,website, orders,relationships. It's good to be busy and
I've been meeting challenges with a lot of help. Trying to let the inner voice guide me more.
I've been meeting challenges with a lot of help. Trying to let the inner voice guide me more.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
# In the past when I've been to proud to ask for help spirit has shown me a different way.These days I just ask it's not the most comfortable feeling but my experience in the past still burned enough for me to go what I don't want to do sometimes.
Am i willing to be humble or do i need to be humiliated again? I think I'll try something new.
Am i willing to be humble or do i need to be humiliated again? I think I'll try something new.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Working Hard
# Been whittling away at the website challenging myself asking for help too.It's been lots of work and there's plenty more to do.Meeting up with this type of work and moving through it however is it's own reward.
Friday, February 12, 2010
# I have'nt been meditating and I feel it.Been so busy with the psychical realm it's easy to get lost in the illusion that the psychical is the only reality.Time to forget this nonsense and go back inside gather strength and move forward. my tendency is to go back into fear based thoughts which don't serve me or anyone around me.Enough is enough.
change of perspective,
house cleaning,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
# Some days are not as glamorous as others.Today is one of those days...laundry[in the supposed blizzard]screening,minor construction,sewing etc. Would love to go back to bed but responsibility calls.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
# I heard this yesterday it's taken loosely from the Bhagavad Gita..
Today I forgive all those who've hurt me.Who've disappointed me.Who have not lived up to my expectations.
I let go of the pain,the disappointment,and the expectation.I forgive.
Good way for me to start the day. I'm putting it by my computer
Today I forgive all those who've hurt me.Who've disappointed me.Who have not lived up to my expectations.
I let go of the pain,the disappointment,and the expectation.I forgive.
Good way for me to start the day. I'm putting it by my computer
Monday, February 8, 2010
Doesn't take much...
# I'm on a budget instead of convenience and laziness of getting a fattening bagel on the corner I'm making oatmeal.Instead of going to the diner every single night and buying lunch I'm cooking at home.I love to cook,it helps me appreciate what I'm eating
this helps me to slow down.This allows me to take care of myself on a deeper level than just letting someone else feed me.It depends on how you look at things for me to be grateful, fulfilled,strengthened and self caring it doesn't take much
this helps me to slow down.This allows me to take care of myself on a deeper level than just letting someone else feed me.It depends on how you look at things for me to be grateful, fulfilled,strengthened and self caring it doesn't take much
Sunday, February 7, 2010
#Doing lots of behind the scenes work on the site and in my dream life as well. Spirit
is preparing me for a new outlook and a new manifestation of blessings.I'm trying to stay out of the way and allow it to happen.
is preparing me for a new outlook and a new manifestation of blessings.I'm trying to stay out of the way and allow it to happen.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Sit still
# She speaks through others through the small voice.I don't always know what the next right thing to do is.Sometimes she speaks by what isn't apparent.I need to sit still and listen.Practice. Patience.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Giving Back
# Spirit has been so generous,how can I give back? By using talents and abilities bestowed upon me and sharing them. By listening more closely to my inner voice to friends and to omens that are presented daily. Pay attention
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
# When the economy took a turn a while ago,i sort of took an inner and outer vacation from business.
I'm glad I did . I have recently awoken from the slumber it was a lovely and much needed rest now however it's time to eat and the bear is very hungry. The feeling and the word out on the street is that 2010 is going to be good for all of us. I say yes.
I'm glad I did . I have recently awoken from the slumber it was a lovely and much needed rest now however it's time to eat and the bear is very hungry. The feeling and the word out on the street is that 2010 is going to be good for all of us. I say yes.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Asking for help
# I can't do it alone. I don't want to. I don't have to. I have received so much help and love in the past few days,it's been a great blessing my job is to say THANK YOU.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
#All is going pleasantly and smoothly. Plenty of love and kindness.
I have faith today. The higher power is in charge so I feel relaxed.
I have faith today. The higher power is in charge so I feel relaxed.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Forward motion
#Today is the first day of my recommitment to the web.Calling in lots of help
offering up to spirit, inviting new energy in,dispelling old energy.Whirlwind of change and magic.Ready to be a conduit.Blessed be.
offering up to spirit, inviting new energy in,dispelling old energy.Whirlwind of change and magic.Ready to be a conduit.Blessed be.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
# I have a clear vision of where I want to be and where I want my business to be within the next year.
Infused with love and desire and therefore manifest on the physical plane. the universe is changing and I'll change with it.
Infused with love and desire and therefore manifest on the physical plane. the universe is changing and I'll change with it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Open mindedness
#More and more new ideas and people and experiences are revealing themselves to me.
I'm willing to let go of old ideas and expectations and allow something new in. Nothing is for certain or needs to be a certain way. I can outgrow my limitations.
I'm willing to let go of old ideas and expectations and allow something new in. Nothing is for certain or needs to be a certain way. I can outgrow my limitations.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Back on the horse
@Through a series of events business has slowed down in the past year or two.
I had to slow down and walk the horse.I have learned and experienced much since then.
Asking for help from others and from spirit things are moving forward,it's time to get back on the horse.
I had to slow down and walk the horse.I have learned and experienced much since then.
Asking for help from others and from spirit things are moving forward,it's time to get back on the horse.
Friday, January 22, 2010
God's time
#I'm clear about my goals,there seems to be a few snags.It will unfold
exactly the way it is supposed to as it always does,not in my time.
exactly the way it is supposed to as it always does,not in my time.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
#I don't own a television. It's a choice that is good for me. Media fills my mind with garbage lies and fear. I'm sensitive to to stimulus around me,the buzz on the street is 2010 is going to be a good year. I'll bet I wouldn't feel as enthusiastic if I had a TV.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
#Up early ready for the day. Ideas for Spring are floating around,going to a textile show. More people are coming into the spiritual circle,that's exciting. Have not smoked a cigarette in over a week.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
#I'm very fortunate.My mind is frequently occupied with how I can make
new things.How can I dye or add color etc.It's good to have creative challenges.
Now can I give it to spirit? Or will I insist on doing everything myself?
After all of the times I insist on imposing my will,can I let spirit help me?
This only occurred to me just now. This blog has been a blessing.
new things.How can I dye or add color etc.It's good to have creative challenges.
Now can I give it to spirit? Or will I insist on doing everything myself?
After all of the times I insist on imposing my will,can I let spirit help me?
This only occurred to me just now. This blog has been a blessing.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
# It's not so much where I am going or how I will get there.For me the miracle is easier to see when I look back. The self hatred,deprivation and destructiveness I used to put myself through and the love respect and self care I experience today.
When I compare myself to myself I realize That a miracle has transformed me.
It's my honor privilege and duty to share it.
When I compare myself to myself I realize That a miracle has transformed me.
It's my honor privilege and duty to share it.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
# In the past few weeks .months I've been inviting spirit in more others in more.
Last night there were many people here and we shared a sacred healing. the more I allow and invite the sweeter the gifts.
Last night there were many people here and we shared a sacred healing. the more I allow and invite the sweeter the gifts.
Friday, January 15, 2010
New Direction
# Time to change the whole thing...Go into the heart align the heart with your deepest desires for a new structure ask your higher self to guide and voila a new direction!
Intend and manifest the stars are in favor!
Intend and manifest the stars are in favor!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
# I never blog at night,I think about 10 people a day read this blog,give or take.
it doesn't really matter I'm doing it for me. Facebook is a good thing but enough bullshit.People are dead and rotting on the street in Haiti send some money!!!!!!!
it doesn't really matter I'm doing it for me. Facebook is a good thing but enough bullshit.People are dead and rotting on the street in Haiti send some money!!!!!!!
# I've been talking about change a lot,it's all changing and pretty quickly. I'm at the center of it and just observing the shifts pretty calmly. It's all for the highest good.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The road
# We all travel our own path,sometimes I get so used to seeing the same people I think they will be with me on the road forever. Perhaps not maybe their destiny is to make a turn ,my job is to be on the road moving forward. There are times we share the journey and times we go it alone,they both have their rewards.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
#Being interested in new people experiences ideas,is what makes the experience
more interesting.It's easy to get stuck in a rut only this way or that but
that becomes boring.It's easier to be in the moment if I'm walking down a new street
.I change my thoughts via my actions.Not the other way around.
more interesting.It's easy to get stuck in a rut only this way or that but
that becomes boring.It's easier to be in the moment if I'm walking down a new street
.I change my thoughts via my actions.Not the other way around.
Monday, January 11, 2010
#For so many years I had been alienated from my own deepest desires and feelings,it's been a long road back to myself.The maintenance of remaining connected involves my creative work,meditation,prayer,honoring my instinct and dream life.the mortar though is honesty with myself and others.Yhe truth is we are all one.being part of the world means offering and receiving as we are all part of a greater whole.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
#The intention of remembering dreams is working. I can complicate anything
if I let my mind rule me. The only way to stop thoughts or behavior is to stop.
the only way to start thoughts or behavior is to start.Simple.
if I let my mind rule me. The only way to stop thoughts or behavior is to stop.
the only way to start thoughts or behavior is to start.Simple.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
@Last night I gave myself the suggestion to remember dreams,I did remember.
I awoke feeling comforted.I think I'll start a dream journal ...see what happens
I awoke feeling comforted.I think I'll start a dream journal ...see what happens
Friday, January 8, 2010
# I'm ready to be free of self imposed bondage.Concerning smoking,money,
scarcity,unworthiness.I'm ready to stop being my worst enemy and to become
my best friend. It's been an interesting couple of weeks.
scarcity,unworthiness.I'm ready to stop being my worst enemy and to become
my best friend. It's been an interesting couple of weeks.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
#Awoke to the phone ringing,had trouble sleeping last night.Negativity greeted me about what I couldn't do.Immediately asked spirit for help and it came."you got through this and that,you can get through this too".It's important for me to draw on my past experience.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
# As uncomfortable as it is sometimes, i need to accept
situations as they are,not how I imagine them to be.
As I see more clearly I'm able to react in a more sober way.
situations as they are,not how I imagine them to be.
As I see more clearly I'm able to react in a more sober way.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
#Spirit reveals herself in all sorts of ways. Today I'm going to attempt
to observe and listen more closely.Experience more from the heart. I become
more adept the more I practice.
to observe and listen more closely.Experience more from the heart. I become
more adept the more I practice.
Monday, January 4, 2010
#Feeling very serious today,Not good,have to let the day take me
and lighten up.I always think I know best and keep pushing for the way
I think it ought to be,sometimes the answer is no or not yet. Rejection
could be protection.
and lighten up.I always think I know best and keep pushing for the way
I think it ought to be,sometimes the answer is no or not yet. Rejection
could be protection.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Energy
#Spirit has given me much opportunity to let go and I have to
the best of my ability.New people,ideas and opportunities have
already presented themselves.It's in my best interest to look at
them with new glasses so to speak.React in a different way.
the best of my ability.New people,ideas and opportunities have
already presented themselves.It's in my best interest to look at
them with new glasses so to speak.React in a different way.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Not in my hands
#When I take an action ,I have to let it go.There's not to much I'm actually in charge of.Expectations of myself or others don't serve me.I can be upset or angry or relieved.Those are my choices.My part is just to take the action that's all.
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