Monday, November 9, 2009

It ain't about me

I woke up this morning to the sound of workmen outside my apartment they are due to fix the ceiling's far earlier than I usually wake up.Did not put me in a good mood.Yesterday was a day of listening to others[I'd always rather talk about myself]
So many times in my life someone says something or does something that rubs me the wrong way.The best way to keep peace is to shut my mouth.I shared very intimate parts of myself yesterday with people in the hopes that my experience could benefit people have done for me.Maybe part of the reason I went through those experiences was to share the information and slowly realize that in fact I'm not as unique as I like to think I am.
In spite of the fact I'm an egomaniac and hypersensitive and would like to buy the delusion that the world revolves around my thoughts feelings and needs.I've slowly come to a different understanding.As foreign and ego deflating as it is most times it ain't about me.

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